Respite Care
Senior Homecare By Angels Toronto offers respite care if you need short-term accommodation and special care for your loved-ones from family members who might need a brief period of relief or rest from caregiving.
Our focus is to ensure your loved-ones receive compassionate respite care, personal attention and safety so the family members can have a peace of mind while they can fulfill their other life commitments and be able to maintain that healthy caregiving relationships. We can provide respite care whether your loved-ones are at home, at residential care facilities, adult day care, group homes, or in the community.

The advantages of providing respite care can be therapeutic both for the family who are usually the primary caregiver and the care recipient who requires special needs. Sometimes, family members may need a break from the physical and emotional needs involved in caring for their loved-ones and may have other duties to fulfill, or perhaps, the family members might be away temporarily or might need to travel for business or recreational purposes. In addition, the care recipient can improve their social skills when there is another care provider who interacts with them and who can provide companionship. The relationship amongst family members can be strengthened when there is less stress and can benefit both the family and care recipient. The quality of life for families whose loved-ones are experiencing chronic disorders or disabilities will improve.
Senior Homecare By Angels believe on the importance of providing a flexible respite care and the services offered should be tailored to suit the individual needs of all families and care recipient. We also respond to family’s differences and variety of needs, ensuring that the care between our clients and care providers are advocated, flexible, meaningful, and supportive.