Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care
Senior Homecare By Angels Toronto recognizes the challenges when caring for someone who is suffering from dementia.
We can help your loved-ones overcome the stages of the disease. We are here to assist and provide our experienced care provider who is knowledgeable and caring; to focus on the client and support the whole family as well so you can have a peace of mind. Alzheimer’s Disease is the most common type of dementia that exhibits symptoms of memory loss, difficulty performing familiar tasks and recalling events or time, as well as showing changes in mood and behaviours.
We are specialized in providing effective strategies on how to cope Alzheimer’s and dementia as well as offering advices with the support of our highly trained care providers. Contact us for a free in-home assessment and we will provide answers to your questions and help you and your loved-ones create an individualized care plan.

We understand how the disease affects the person with dementia and the family. Living with someone who has dementia can be challenging and it is important to learn to manage changes in the abilities and to focus on making the best of each day possible for the person with dementia. Self-care, communication, safety, emotions, and behaviour are some of the factors to consider when taking care of someone with dementia. As the disease progresses, memory loss and other cognitive difficulties can be experienced. Other problems such as dysphagia or difficulty swallowing, lack of control of bowel and bladder, inability to communicate, wandering and getting lost, personality and behaviour changes, increased memory loss and confusion, or even hallucinations, delusions, paranoia, and impulsive behaviour are some of the problems that may occur. In the severe stage of the disease, they are unable to perform self-care and are totally dependent on others for their care, or they may be bedridden due to the body system shutting down.
Do you know how to recognize dementia? Do you need help to take care of your loved-ones suffering from this progressive disease? We can help. Senior Homecare By Angels Toronto is available 24/7 and committed to provide you a caring, compassionate, and trained care provider.