About Senior Homecare By Angels Toronto
David Milman is a franchise owner and executive director of Senior Homecare By Angels Toronto. He has been running Senior Homecare By Angels Toronto operationally for almost 10 years. His vision of providing therapeutic care and offering continuity of care for clients and their families who had encountered complications from long-term illnesses and needing compassionate support had led him to start his own franchise homecare on February 19, 2008. He understood the situations of what the clients and families were facing and their needs as David had personally cared for his father who developed liver cancer. When his loving father passed away it became his inspiration to build his own homecare and provide comprehensive services required for chronic ailments, enervating and degenerative diseases, and palliative care. His priority is to make a positive difference in people’s lives and at the same time develop partnerships with the communities that he serves as well as become a leader in providing a respectable homecare across Canada and United States.
David is actively involved in his communities by sponsoring events and donating money to charitable organizations such as hospitals and senior centres. David has over 34 years experience in business development and management.